Ví dụ:
v=spf1 ip4: ?all
Đối với domain chưa xác thực:
Return-Path: <phong.nd@hanhtranglaptrinh.net> Received: from smtp222.defaultip.fbems.net ([]) by mx.google.com with SMTP id yq7si4958059pac.112.2014. for <nguyendoanphonxxxt@gmail.com>; Thu, 31 Jul 2014 00:52:14 -0700 (PDT) Received-SPF: none (google.com: phong.nd@hanhtranglaptrinh.net does not designate permitted sender hosts) client-ip=;
Đối với domain được xác thực:
Return-Path: <phong.nd@hanhtranglaptrinh.com> Received: from smtp222.defaultip.fbems.net ([]) by mx.google.com with SMTP id g6si4844506pat.154.2014. for <nguyendoanphonxxxt@gmail.com>; Thu, 31 Jul 2014 00:07:48 -0700 (PDT) Received-SPF: pass (google.com: domain of phong.nd@hanhtranglaptrinh.com designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;
Tham khảo: https://support.google.com/a/answer/33786?hl=en
Tham khảo SPF Record Syntax: http://www.openspf.org/SPF_Record_Syntax